To Fix A Dinosaur
Aimé Donne Kelly as Liz, Andrew Betz as Felix, in the 2019 Playpenn staged reading.
Two strangers running from their realities collide in a hospital stairwell. A lovingly constructed lego dinosaur crashes to the ground between them and shatters. Can they fix the dinosaur, and in doing so, can they help each other turn and face their fears?
Production History
Reading, Playpenn, Dir. Dan O'Neil, July 2019
Reading, Chicago Dramatists, Dir. Devon Hayakawa, November 2019
Short Film Festival, The Hive Collaborative, July 2020
Lights Up! Podcast, Episode 3, Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga, September 2020
American Theatre in the Twenty-First Century Anthology, Future Publishing House, December 2020
Run Time: 10 minutes
For script inquiries please contact emmarund@gmail.com